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2.1 Getting it
You need to have specific libraries installed on your system to
compile and use this software. For the client that is the following
(this is on my Debian-woody system):
- python (2.1.1)
- gnome
- orbit (comes with Gnome)
- gtk (comes with Gnome)
- libglade (comes with gnome now, I think)
- python-orbit
- python-gtk
- python-gnome
and for the server:
- python (2.1.1)
- orbit
- python-orbit
All these libraries are freely available and you can probably find
them all prepackaged for easy install on your system. If you don't
have them installed yet you can check your distribution's package
listings or download and compile your own.
There are various ways to get the sources of this project. periodicly
released .tar.gz files or the CVS repository
2.1.1 Tarballs (tar.gz)
Once in a while, a tarball (.tar.gz) release is made. This is a
snapshot of the development at that time. Until we have a working
versions of this project the tarball will be mostly useful for the
developers only, but everybody is free to try it.
You can download those tarballs
here .
Don't forget to bet both the ``airtraffic-<version>.tar.gz'' and
``airtraffic-client-<version>.tar.gz'' files.
2.1.2 CVS
The source of both the AirTraffic client and server are available in an
online CVS repository. There are CVS clients available for almost all
operating systems in the world.
Please remember that this source is the ``live'' source that the
developers are working on, so it is not guaranteed to even startup
(but I try to keep it compiling, at least).
There are three repositories, one for the client, one for the server
and one for the documentation. Maybe a forth module will be made to
hold the IDL (corba interface definitions) files, since they are
shared by both the server and the client, but the jury is still out on
that one.
To obtain the latest sources, make sure that you have CVS installed
give the following commands in a terminal:
$ cvs login
There is no password, so just press [enter] when asked for one. After
this, to get the server sources give the following command:
$ cvs -z3 checkout airtraffic
and the following for the client sources:
$ cvs -z3 checkout airtraffic-client
If you already have the source ``checked-out'' you can can simply get
an update by giving the following command in the directory that the
checkout made:
$ cvs update
There's also a web-based CVS
2.1.3 Packages
Because of the many problems and incompatibilities between the various
versions of libraries, distributions and operating systems I've stopped
building packages myself. It also takes a lot of time to keep track of
the ever changing requirements of the binaries, and I'd rather spend
that time developing AirTraffic in general. If someone wants to prepackage
for me, I am happy to provide those packages here.
2.2 Installing it
In the future it will only be needed to get the ``airtraffic-client''
program, but since there is still no simulation server network with meta
servers and all that, you will also have to get the ``airtraffic''
To install the files run:
$ ./
program in the main archive directories of both ``airtraffic'' and
``airtraffic-client''. This will install things into /usr/local/*. If
you don't want that read INSTALL for information on how to
customize your installation.
2.3 Starting it
- You will have to start the meta server (until the global
meta-server is up and running, that is). You can do this by giving the
following command:
$ ./airtraffic --meta
This starts the meta server.
- Then the next step is to start the simulation server. the
following command starts the sim-server:
$ ./airtraffic
- When all of the server stuff is up and running start then start as a
last step the airtraffic-client program. Give the
$ ./airtraffic-client
2.3.1 Since version 0.3.3
Since 0.3.3 you have the choice to just start the
airtraffic-client. when you then try to start a simulation, it notices
that there's no server alive, and it will allow you to startup a meta
and simulation server. Only catch is that you will have to
kill them manually.
2.4 Using it
For some simple use documentation, see the screenshot's page.
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Copyright © 2001 Marijn Vriens
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.
Last change: 2002-02-18