Everybody likes screenshots, so here are some :). Added is some
explaination of how the program works.
1.1 Main Screen
The radar screen as it is in the 0.3.2
The red line is the heading of the plane.
First like of the text is the flight number.
Line 2 is the velosity
Line 3 is the height
Line 4 is the Direction
1.2 Control Window
The control window of 0.3.3
Dial information:
The red dial arrow shows the planes current heading.
The blue dial arrow shows the heading of the command
The blue dial 'tick' follows the heading the mouse is pointing to
when it's in the dial window and it shows the marked heading in
the gray center of the dial.
Slider information:
The up-down slider is the height. (it's in reverse at the moment,
i know)