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There's much to work to be done for this simulator to become something
more then just a bunch nice ideas. In this section you can find out
what and how you can contribute to the development of AirTraffic.
4.1 Tasks to be done
Here's a list of tasks that are needed to be done:
- Install testing:
- Basicly means getting the package from the
CVS and seeing if you can get it installed and working. Ofcourse the
developers are trying to do that here as well. But it's always good to
have people test it, on ``clean'' systems that havn't been involved
with the development it self.
- Building packages:
- RPMs and/or debs. That would really help
expand exposure quite a bit. I know how to do this, but I want to
focus on the development of the program, and not loose too much time
fiddling with these packages and having to deal with user-feedback
related only to that installation procedures.
- Website:
- The website looks truly horrid. It's auto-generated
from some latex files (check out the airtraffic-doc module from CVS
for them). It would really help if someone took some time to make it
look half-decent. But it would really be appreciated it if it was
still relatively easy to maintain, since worse then an ugly website is
an out-of-date website. Zapping spelling / grammar errors, is also
really needed :).
- beta testing / Programfeedback:
- Will get more important as the
project progresses. At the moment there's not much to brake.
4.2 Contacting
The medium the developers of AirTraffic use to talk to each other is the
mailinglists. There are three of them:
Recently the channel #airtraffic was registered with
for a more
interactive conversation with developers.
For all the settings and features that the airtraffic site has, you
can always go to the airtraffic project
4.3 Coders
We need more people to work on this project. Many things have to be
done, both big and small. The work to be done is various, from things
fit for beginning programmers to making physical models of the planes,
threads, GUI design, data visualization and graphics programming and
what have you not.
The main programming language is . Because
it's easy and it codes fast. Python is optimzed for development
speed. If execution speed is a real requirement, then those critical
parts, can be rewritten in C or C++. Getting the best of both worlds.
If you want to contribute to this project, please contact the
project manager ,
subscribe to the developers mailinglist and join in!
4.4 ATC experts
Since the 0.3 version rewrite, the focus of AirTraffic has shifted from being
a game to a simulation. However this balance is a subtle one. The game
part should be have a real ``feel'' to it, while keeping it playable by
the general public as well.
The AirTraffic project needs ATC (and gamer) experts to give advice and be a
source of ideas and keep the reality factor in check. This factor will
be quite low in the beginning, as we are working to get it all to
work. Then later realism will be much higher priority.
I know that most ATC people are not coders, and most coders don't know
ATC, so please be understanding with our ignorance. Any comments or
advice is really appreciated.
4.5 Visual artists
Even though this project is only in the beginning of a development cycle
it could already use people one that has a good feel interfaces and
For example: these projects document pages do not meet even my
standards when it comes to the look and feel (and then it's bad :)
!). If you have a good idea about how to fix it, please contact me:
Marijn Vriens. .
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Up: AirTraffic documentation
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Copyright © 2001 Marijn Vriens
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.
Last change: 2002-02-18